Thursday 5 May 2011

My first DIY!

After stumbling upon a fantastic blog by a girl called Heather Find her Here!

I decided I was going to get the sewing kit out and try a few of my own customisations!
So off I went to the charity shop in my home town, and found this little number...

The pattern on it was what caught my eye, as I was looking for something unusual.
Anyway I got my scissors and sewing kit out, and set about to work!

First I chopped the arms off, then to tidy them up I hand stitched (as I don't own a sewing machine) around the edge of the sleeves.
Then to add a bit of extra "me-ness" to the shirt, i decided to stitch some new buttons onto the shirt.

These ones looked booooring!

So I replaced with these ones!

Much better...

Overall the end product looks like this!


Shirt: £2.99 - age concern
Shorts: £9 - Primark
Buttons: 12p each - local haberdashery store

Hope you like it!
Charlie xx

1 comment:

  1. The shirt looks fantastic! :) LOVE the zebra print! :)


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